Tooth enamel

Tooth enamel is the protective shield for your teeth. It is up to 2.5 mm thick and forms the outer layer of the tooth to protect it from external influences and to make it firm and stable. Tooth enamel consists mainly of dead cells and has no nerves, which is why you cannot feel it. The disadvantage of tooth enamel: it cannot regenerate itself. This means that if parts of the tooth enamel splinter off, or if it is badly worn, the body cannot restore it. In such cases, a visit to the dentist is absolutely essential. If the enamel is too badly damaged, your teeth will be vulnerable to tooth decay, wear and tear, and irritation. Here, you will find out how you can protect your tooth enamel and what to do if it is damaged. 

Sensitive teeth

What is tooth enamel and what is its function? 

Tooth enamel consists of dead body cells. More precisely, it is made from a mixture of calcium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. For this reason, the enamel is the hardest part of your body and extremely resistant to external influences. Under the enamel lies the dentin, which is protected by the enamel.

Enamel gone – How does tooth enamel disappear? 

The breakdown of tooth enamel can be due to various external influences. For one thing, acidic foods are a big enemy of your tooth enamel. The acid corrodes the tooth enamel, causing the dentine to protrude more and more, and the teeth turn yellow and can become more and more sensitive. On the other hand, teeth grinding through mechanical abrasion of the tooth enamel can lead to loss or splintering of the protective layer. 

Strengthening and remineralising tooth enamel 

Probably the easiest way to protect and strengthen your tooth enamel is to brush your teeth regularly. This will remove bacteria and acids that break down your tooth enamel over the long term. However, be careful not to use any aggressive toothpaste. Toothpastes that promise a very strong "whitening" effect, especially, are usually very aggressive and even lead to yellower teeth in the long term. You should also pay attention to using the correct cleaning technique. You shouldn't put too much pressure on your teeth, as this can also lead to erosion of your gums. In addition, what is known as remineralising your tooth enamel can rebuild your tooth enamel.

Karies: Symptome, Stadien, Anwendung und Vorbeugung

Can the enamel be repaired? 

Remineralising, for example with special toothpaste, can restore your tooth enamel. The calcium and phosphate in the toothpaste gives your tooth enamel back important building blocks that allow it to repair itself. The dentist also has various options for strengthening and protecting your tooth enamel. Sealing the teeth, in particular, gives the tooth enamel extra protection, and so it is less attacked. Professional teeth cleaning also helps, as it removes stubborn dirt and tartar from your teeth. 

Professional dental cleaning

Restoring tooth enamel – toothpaste or home remedies?

Tooth enamel cannot be restored artificially. Once your tooth enamel is completely gone, only a filling or a crown will help. What is possible, however, is to strengthen the enamel with special toothpastes. These make the tooth enamel more resilient and prevent loss. Dentists advise caution with all other remedies, such as natural remedies or home remedies. If the enamel is badly damaged, only going to the dentist will help, as otherwise loss of the tooth cannot be ruled out. 

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