Get rid of bad breath permanently


Bad breath is still a taboo subject in our society. Although bad breath is most unpleasant for other people, hardly anyone dares to talk to the person affected about it. The unfortunate thing is that you rarely notice bad breath yourself. But a simple bad breath test - like blowing into a cupped hand or a plastic bag and then smelling it - can often be the first indication. Bad breath can have very different causes. Depending on the point of origin and the reason, there are remedies against bad breath that can be implemented quite easily.

Causes of bad breath

Where does bad breath come from exactly? This is often difficult to determine, because the causes of bad breath are diverse. Dentists estimate that about 5% of the entire German population suffers from chronic bad breath. In addition, 25% of Germans find their own breath unpleasant at least some of the time - especially bad breath in the morning. 

Medically speaking, bad breath is called "halitosis" and "foetor ex ore". With "foetor ex ore" - literally: bad smell from the mouth - the bad breath is only perceptible to others when the mouth is open. If the affected person has closed their mouth, unpleasant odours no longer escape. The causes of bad breath here can largely be traced back to the mouth region itself and not to the stomach area. Examples include cigarette smoke, poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, and dental problems. Inflammations or tumours in the oral cavity can also be triggers.

"Halitosis" refers to the second, rarer form of bad breath. The bad air here is also noticeable when the mouth is closed. It flows out of the nose and gives indications of medical problems, such as digestive difficulties, respiratory diseases or metabolic diseases like diabetes. 

Bad breath from the stomach

"Bad breath from the stomach" is much less common than many people think. However, if the bad breath does not go away despite brushing the teeth and additional oral hygiene, the stomach area may well need a closer look. Causes include stomach acid, heartburn, and reflux disease. This leads to an acidic mouth odour. Gastritis (= inflammation of the stomach lining) is also sometimes accompanied by foul-smelling breath. Nevertheless, these diseases usually also have other symptoms such as severe abdominal pain or a burning sensation in the stomach area. 

In many cases, bad breath is triggered by diet or stimulants. Especially strong spices, onions, garlic, smoking, alcohol, coffee, and excessive meat consumption can encourage "halitosis". Even days after consumption, this can still show up in the form of foul-smelling breath.

Acetone: bad breath from hunger, dieting, or diabetes

Bad breath accompanied by hunger is usually due to reduced saliva production in the mouth. However, strong bad breath when hungry, as is the case with diets, is due to another cause. For low-carbohydrate diets in particular, there is an incomplete breakdown of fat in the body. What many people do not know: to convert fats into glucose, the body needs at least 50 g of carbohydrates daily. If these are not available, ketones are formed, which are excreted through the breath, among other things. Bad breath caused by acetone has a sweetish smell and is reminiscent of overripe fruit or nail polish remover. 

If the breath smells of acetone, metabolic diseases such as diabetes can also be the cause. In order to compensate for the energy demand, fat is broken down - as in diets. Ketones accumulate in the blood and are secreted through the lungs and kidneys. In addition, acetone odour where diabetes is present indicates ketoacidosis. 

Tonsils as a trigger of bad breath

In addition to the oral region, the ear, nose, and throat area also plays a significant role as a trigger for severe bad breath. For example, bad breath can be caused by the tonsils. This is the case when you have tonsillitis and deposits form on the tonsils. In addition, bad breath can also be caused by tonsil stones. But the throat is also a common source of bad breath. This is often triggered by viruses that cause pharyngitis. 

The cause is a lack of oral hygiene 

In most cases, chronic bad breath is caused by poor oral hygiene. The teeth are not cleaned properly, which leaves food debris in the spaces between the teeth. As a result, bacteria settle in, decompose the food, and cause bad breath. Bacterial plaque is also possible, which in the next step leads to holes in the teeth, also known as tooth decay. Decayed teeth therefore often bring a bad smell with them and can also cause inflamed gums. To prevent this from happening, regular dental cleaning is essential. Bad breath caused by poor oral hygiene can therefore be controlled -that is, improved - by everyone. 

Foul breath because of teeth

It is not uncommon for bad breath to be caused by the teeth. The causes of bad breath in connection with the teeth are varied. On the one hand - as already mentioned - a lack of oral hygiene can be responsible. Food residues are not thoroughly removed and rotting bacteria settle on them as a result. Dental plaque and tartar can also be partly responsible for a foul smell. However, these triggers can be specifically eliminated through annual check-ups at the dentist. 

On the other hand, it is tooth decay that destroys the teeth and is thus considered the origin of bad breath. If tooth decay is not treated early, the tooth can even die in the worst case. A rotten tooth or dead tooth not only has a negative impact on bad breath, but can also affect the rest of your dental health. So if you have a dead tooth, see a dentist as soon as possible!

Other causes are bad breath due to gum inflammation or the removal of teeth. When a tooth is extracted, it leaves a large hole where food debris and bacteria can collect. Oral hygiene is therefore also a top priority here!

What helps fight bad breath?

But what to do about bad breath? There are different treatment approaches depending on the cause. You should first check whether dietary changes, better dental hygiene, and regular visits to the dentist are successful. Regular, refreshing mouthwashes can also be a remedy for bad breath. 

We discourage self-medicating against bad breath on your own. If you feel that your breath is not improving, it is advisable to talk to a doctor. They then decide whether tablets to treat bad breath are really necessary or whether there is another solution. Maybe the problem is not your teeth but your tonsils? Removing tonsils, pulling a tooth, etc. - please check all this with your doctor.

Home remedy for bad breath

The following bad breath tips can help you improve your breath. This is how you can fight bad breath naturally:

  • Try to keep saliva flowing in your mouth by smoking less, drinking more, and breathing through your nose. Bad breath can often be improved with this home remedy. 

  • Eating natural yoghurt against bad breath from the stomach: Natural yoghurt contains lactic acid bacteria that help to maintain healthy gastrointestinal flora.

  • Chlorophyll chewing gum: the green plant pigment is effective against unpleasant odours

  • Rinse the mouth with lemon juice. But be careful: if used frequently, the acid can corrode the tooth enamel.

  • Ginger tea against bad breath: The essential oils can neutralise bad breath.

  • To get rid of strong bad breath, mouthwashes from the pharmacy can be effective. It's best to get advice!

  • Bad breath in the morning can be limited by oil pulling. In the Ayurvedic method, toxins are removed from the mouth.

  • Chewing coffee beans neutralises the acid taste from the stomach. 

Prevention: Oral hygiene against bad breath

The best remedy against bad breath is prevention. Above all, thorough and regular oral hygiene and professional dental cleaning at the dentist are the most important things for your dental health. Brushing your teeth in the morning and evening prevents germs and decaying bacteria from settling in. Good oral hygiene removes all food debris and plaque from the front and back of the teeth. You should also not forget to clean the spaces between your teeth. 

If you suffer from bad breath very easily, you can try cleaning your tongue in the evening. This means removing the tongue coating with a special toothbrush. Mouth rinses or mouthwash against bad breath can also be used. 

If you suffer from chronic bad breath, you should see a doctor to find out the cause. Don't be ashamed to seek professional help for bad breath! By doing so, the triggers can be identified, and an appropriate therapy can be recommended.

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