Bleeding gums: what's behind it?

Bleeding gums can have completely harmless causes. However, they can also indicate more serious diseases of the gums or teeth. We'll explain everything.

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Did you just brush too vigorously, or is it something more serious?

Does the toothpaste you spit out after brushing your teeth contain blood, or do your gums suddenly bleed after you floss ? These are signs that your gums are inflamed and irritated. Slight inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) occurs when bacteria collect in the oral cavity. After eating, these bacteria form plaque. If the teeth and interdental spaces are not cleaned sufficiently, the plaque solidifies in the form of tartar, which in turn leads to the bacteria reaching the gums and causing them to become inflamed. If the gingivitis is not treated, it can lead to severe pain or even periodontal disease.

What are the causes of bleeding gums?

The most common cause of suddenly bleeding gums is poor oral hygiene. If plaque is not removed from and between the teeth, bacteria form and cause inflammation of the gums. However, the gums are also weakened by acute vitamin deficiencies and are therefore more prone to inflammation. Inflammation of the gums can occur in adults of all ages as well as in children.

Bleeding gums during pregnancy

The hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy lead to more frequent tooth decay, bleeding gums and inflammation of the gums. The entire body is supplied with more blood – meaning the gums are too, and the tissue also softens. The gums become more sensitive and susceptible to bacteria and inflammation. The reason bleeding gums can be so dangerous for pregnant women is because, if left untreated, they can rapidly lead to deep gingival pockets and periodontitis. In the worst case, this leads to receding gums, exposed tooth necks or tooth loss.

Bleeding during the menopause

During the menopause, the levels of hormones drop dramatically, which can make the gums more sensitive and prone to swelling. This makes it easier for bacteria to settle on the gums and trigger inflammation. Since this inflammation of the gums is hormonal, it is called hormonal gingivitis.

Bleeding gums and diabetes

Diabetics are very susceptible to inflammation of the gums and thus also to bleeding gums. The reason for this is that high blood sugar promotes inflammation of the gums and weakens the immune system. In addition, the increased sugar content in the saliva means that bacteria can accumulate and multiply more easily.

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