Invisible aligner pricing - from £116 per month

No hidden costs. Just your custom-made aligners, the best medical care, and your perfect smile.
Unsichtbare Zahnschiene zur Zahnkorrektur wird in einer Hand hoch gehalten

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£116 PER MO/£1.390

DrSmile Clear Aligner: how much should you be paying for an aligner?

Invisible dental aligners are becoming more and more popular, especially with adults. Teeth misalignments can be corrected discretely in just a few months. They are pleasant to wear, easy to clean and almost invisible. No other product offers as many advantages as the transparent aligner. In the past, they were used for purely aesthetic purposes, but today almost all types of misalignment can be treated using this transparent alternative.

With their inconspicuous appearance and a much quicker treatment time, these transparent aligners have been gaining ground for quite some time. Aligners are the ideal alternative to the traditional brace.

Do aligners cost more than traditional braces?

Many adults find the transparent aligners much more attractive than traditional braces. But how much do you need to pay for this alternative?

The type of jaw misalignment and the selected treatment method play a significant role here

By and large, it depends on the extent of the treatment. In some cases, it is just certain parts of the jaw that require treatment with a fixed brace. Often, though, more extensive treatment is necessary, with the costs for correcting a slight misalignment being less than for a major misalignment. In the latter case, higher costs will be incurred because the treatment period is longer.

The selected treatment method also has a considerable impact on the cost of a brace. With modern materials and care, treatment is quicker, more effective and less painful, but these methods cause the price of a brace to rise disproportionately, meaning that there is considerable extra cost which health insurance will not necessarily cover.

Orthodontic indication groups

Since January 2002, there have been guidelines – the "orthodontic indication groups" – for young people under 18 years of age. If they are treated by an orthodontist, the orthodontist must assess the misalignment of teeth or jaw by awarding a mark from 1 to 5 before commencing treatment. The statutory health insurance scheme only pays for groups 3 to 5. For groups 1 and 2, the patient has to pay for the treatment, even if it is medically necessary. The assessment of the misalignment is done in accordance with strictly measurable criteria. It is logged by the health insurance companies and checked by an expert.

Example of costs: fixed brace

The costs for a fixed brace depend on the type of alignment, the length of treatment and the material used. Minor corrections start at around £ 500, with a fixed brace starting at £ 1,500. If there is an additional problem with the temporomandibular joint, costs can start as high as £ 6,000.

This is what aligners from the experts cost

Treatment using DrSmile transparent aligners means comparatively little cost. The direct-to-consumer approach makes it possible to offer modern teeth-straightening methods at attractive prices – without compromising on the quality of the aligners.

DrSmile provides a completely digitised work flow. Using innovative 3D scanner and printer technology, along with an intelligent design program, we can save time and keep costs down. The DrSmile app also means that patients are more closely monitored and treatment is more successful.

We have summarised the advantages of a DrSmile course of treatment for you. The cost of your aligners will be:

  • variable,

  • based on your dentist's findings,

  • dependent on the seriousness of your misalignment,

  • adapted to suit your finances,

  • payable in instalments or as a one-off payment.

So, what will your aligners cost in the end?

The cost of your aligners will be based on the findings of your dentist who will examine you and give you comprehensive advice. How long you will need them and how many you will need will vary, and this will be recorded in your written treatment plan. Apart from this, you will incur no further costs.

You can make a one-off payment for your aligners or cover the cost in convenient, low-cost instalments. Our team will help you find the best solution for your needs. After examining you, your dentist will work out the cost of your treatment based on the German scale of fees for dentists (GOZ) and classify it as an S, M or L course of treatment. Usually, the price is between £1,390 and £2,090. In the very unlikely event that the cost of treatment exceeds £2,090, your dentist will let you know this in advance.

In order to be happy with your new smile for many years to come, we recommend wearing a retainer after your course of treatment – or, better still, a fixed DrSmile retainer. Depending on your individual dental situation and on what you would like, we offer the option of either having a retainer fitted in your upper or lower jaw or of taking advantage of our full DrSmile package, with retainers in both jaws. 

Fixed brace v. dental aligner

Compared with the traditional brace, the transparent alternative offers enormous advantages. We particularly recommend aligner treatment for adults, as it imposes very few constraints on day-to-day life.

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They're already smiling! "


The DrSmile treatment was life changing! Finally I can laugh again.




I finally have the teeth I've always wanted - it has definitely boosted my confidence.




So straightforward! I never thought it would be this easy and, above all, pain free.




Finally I can smile without a second guess. I can highly recommend it to anyone.



This is what you get with DR SMILE

At DrSmile you get more than just your custom-made invisible aligners.

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DrSmile app

With the app you can avoid unnecessary practice appointments. Here, experts monitor your progress and intervene if something is not right.

Our app

Medical care

You want to see your partner dentist? No problem, make an appointment at the practice here.

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