Treatment procedure with clear aligners
Do you think the path to beautiful straight teeth is complicated and time consuming? Well, we have good news, DrSmile aligner treatment is extremely simple and fast.
- Suitability test
We begin with a suitability test to see whether your misalignment can be corrected with our clear aligners.
2. Free consultation at a DrSmile partner practice
If an aligner treatment is an option for your condition, you can book a free and non-binding consultation at one of our DrSmile partner practices. During this consultation, you will receive comprehensive advice from our experts and all your questions will be answered. To ensure a successful treatment, we will also discuss your personal wishes for your dream smile. We recommend that you think about all the things you would like to know beforehand so that no questions remain unanswered and you can go home feeling good. In addition to the consultation, your teeth will also be examined and precisely measured with a modern 3D scan, so you can start your treatment as soon as possible.
3. Before and after simulation & individual treatment plan
We will send you your individual treatment plan about two weeks after your consultation. This contains all the necessary information, such as the duration of treatment and the costs, as well as a before-and-after simulation so that you can get a better picture of the final result. Your treatment will not start until you have agreed to this treatment plan.
4. Duration of aligner treatment & production
Once all questions have been answered and you have agreed to the treatment, your clear aligners will be made in just a few weeks based on the scans and simulations. They will be shipped directly to your home and you can start the treatment. The treatment duration depends on your individual initial condition, but it usually takes between 6 and 12 months. If you have severely crooked teeth or a complex misalignment, the treatment may take a little longer. If your teeth are only slightly misaligned, 6 months may be sufficient to straighten them.
5. Start of aligner treatment and the costs
As soon as you have received your aligners, you can begin the treatment. It is recommended that you wear your clear aligners 22 hours a day and change the aligners every 14 days, so that your teeth can be shifted into the desired position.
The cost of aligner treatment depends on the complexity of your misaligned teeth. At DrSmile, the treatment starts at £29 per month. This makes clear aligners affordable even for people on a budget.
6. Monitor your progress through the DrSmile App
To ensure that your treatment proceeds as planned, it is important to regularly send pictures of your teeth to our experts via the DrSmile app. This gives us the opportunity to monitor your progress and answer any questions you may have. The app also reminds you to change your aligners. A visit to a DrSmile partner practice is only necessary if you have any problems.
7. Completion of aligner treatment
Ta-da, smile! Your treatment is only concluded for us when each tooth is exactly as it was shown in the simulation. That is why we offer DrSmile satisfaction guarantee, which means that we cover the costs of any subsequent treatment. To ensure that you can maintain your dream smile through life, you should consider wearing a retainer after your treatment. This will keep your teeth straight and prevent them from shifting again.
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